
Welcome to Union County Republican Committee

Chairman Carlos Santos
Chairman's Welcome

As your Republican Chairman, I am honored to introduce myself and extend a warm welcome to our official website. I’m Carlos Santos, and I am thrilled to be working alongside you as we embark on this important journey together.

Our mission is clear: to unite and strengthen all 21 towns in Union County, leading us towards a future of growth and success. Union County is a vibrant tapestry of diverse communities, each contributing its own unique strengths. By collaborating and working together, we can harness these strengths to achieve our common goals.

Our commitment to growth and strength will guide us as we strive to enhance opportunities, support local economies, and drive positive change across the county. Through cooperative efforts and mutual support, we will create a prosperous future for all residents of Union County.

Thank you for being a vital part of this journey. Together, we will build a brighter, more unified future for our county.

Warm regards,
Carlos Santos
Republican Chairman, Union County


Voter Registration Form

  1. In Box 1, check off “Political Party Affiliation”
  2. Complete the form with your personal information
  3. Box 13 is where you check YES or NO and if changing parties, input the party you now want to be affiliated with
  4. Print out the form and follow the folding instructions as listed
  5. Form is already addressed, and no postage is necessary.
  6. Form must be mailed before MAY 20, 2025 in order to be in place for the Primary Election.

Click on image to open link to form

Application For Vote BY Mail Ballot

  1. In box 1 decide if you would like to vote by mail in all future elections until you request otherwise in writing to the board of elections.
  2. In box 2 print your Last name, First name, Middle name or Initial and your suffix (Jr, Sr, III)
  3. In Box 3 print your street address, Apt, Municipality, State, Zip Code.
  4. In Box 4 only use if you want your ballot mailed to another home you own. (absentee)
  5. In Box 5 Print your date of birth.
  6. In Box 6 Print your phone number.
  7. In Box 7 print your email address.
  8. In Box 8 Sign your name.
  9. In Box 9 Print today’s date.
  10. Print this Application
  11. Mail to Union County Board of Elections. 271 Broad St, Elizabeth, NJ 07208

Click on image of the Vote by Mail Application to open the Link

If you need help or have questions, please call us at

 (908) 201-4644

3 Ways to Vote

In Person Early Voting. Click the image for Locations and times.

Vote By Mail. Click the Image for Drop Box Locations.

Vote in Person on Primary Election Day, June 10, 2025, and in the General Election on November 4, 2025

2025 Election Day Countdown

Make a plan Vote!

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